When you are looking at becoming a dental hygienist, you will find that you need to start by looking into the duties that a dental hygienist might need to perform. For instance, you will start most sessions off by giving your patient's mouth a thorough examination. You may need to check for signs of tooth decay and you will also need to look for disease around the gums and the teeth. You will also need to start by cleaning the teeth and the gums themselves and by making sure that you are going to be able to thoroughly remove plaque and other stains. You will also be in a position where you need to advise your patients on tooth care and cleaning. You will be working with patients and with dentists, and you will find that with just a little bit of work, you will be able to keep things moving along at a good clip. You will find that you are going to be in a place where communication is imperative, and you should always be able to stay on top of what the people around you need.
In some cases, your duties at a dental hygienist might extend to taking and developing X-rays and you may be in a place where you need to administer local anesthetics. In some cases, you will also be in a place where you need to keep patient records and where you can report interesting or worrisome developments to the dentist in charge. At the end of the day, you will find that the more education you have, the more responsibilities you will be expected to take on.
If you are interested in work as a dental hygienist, you will find that you often have the option of working both full time and part time. There are many dental hygienists out there who will work part time at a number of different dental practices, filling in the hours as they need to or want to. In many cases, this can lead to you designing a schedule that is perfect for you, though it can be exhausting to hop from work place to work place. Think about what you are going to need to do if you are looking at getting work in this field and what a schedule like that might do for you. Take some time and consider how you are going to be able to move ahead and what your options are going to be. Do you want a full time job, or do you simply want a part time job that pays relatively well?
If you are interested in being a good dental hygienist, you should also make sure that you have the right personality for the job. You should be someone who likes working with people, and you will find that you are in a place where good communication is a must. Ideally, you will also be someone who has a high degree of manual dexterity and on top of that you should also be cheerful and attentive to the needs of others. Be ready to work well with others. Being a good part of the team is something that you need to be ready for.
A career as a dental hygienist might be something that you need to look into, so be ready to tackle this opportunity for all that is worth.